Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

My 6-year old is at the stage where she is becoming her own person. She dresses herself, can mostly bathe herself, and can do quite a lot independently. With that independence comes a lot of letting go on my part. She only occasionally wants to hold my hand – she is too busy running ahead...

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Tags: discipline, gift, journey, lent, ministry, presence, transition

On Fault and Forgiveness …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly + on

Several weeks ago I had a conversation with a friend about an automobile accident in which she was involved. The accident was not her fault – in fact the other driver was being oblivious to those around him and plowed right into her. My friend and the other driver waited for the police to...

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Tags: accident, blame, brokenness, fair, fault, forgiveness, heal, journey, lent, lord's prayer, mend, prayer, relationship, work

Forever empty?

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

I was talking to a parent recently about the challenges of raising children.  She reminded me of an awesome interview by Louis C.K. with Conan O’Brien.  The interview itself is funny and, as fair warning, quite crass (do not watch it with impressionable ears nearby – the...

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Tags: darkness, discipline, episcopal, god, happiness, journey, lent, light, redemption, sadness, sin, technology, louis c.k.

On Being Dust ...

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

One of the gifts of being a clergy person is the moments of insight, intimacy, and holiness. That gift is probably one of the primary things that keep me going, especially in the midst of weeks when the vocation feels more full of challenge than full of blessing. The cool thing about the gift is...

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Tags: ash wednesday, community, death, dust, god, humble, journey, priest, power, liturgy, life, precious, perspective, foundation

Getting back in the game …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

I am a huge college basketball fan. Well, actually I am a huge Duke Basketball fan, which means I tend to know more about college basketball than any other sport. This week is the Duke-Carolina game – one of the biggest rivalries in the country and certainly one of the biggest sporting...

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Tags: carolina, duke, faith, god, journey, rivalry, slack, prayer life, flow, control, permission

Gratitude Adjustment

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

Practicing thankfulness enlarges the way we relate to each other and the world.

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Tags: discipline, god, gratitude, journey, pledge, prayer, stewardship