On Fault and Forgiveness …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly + on

Several weeks ago I had a conversation with a friend about an automobile accident in which she was involved. The accident was not her fault – in fact the other driver was being oblivious to those around him and plowed right into her. My friend and the other driver waited for the police to...

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Tags: accident, blame, brokenness, fair, fault, forgiveness, heal, journey, lent, lord's prayer, mend, prayer, relationship, work

On being good …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

Driving home from school this week, my daughter and I talked about some challenges she is having with poor behavior in the classroom. We talked about some strategies to help her work on it. I encouraged her to just keep trying. Exasperated, she said to me, “I am trying. It’s just so...

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Tags: advent, barth, behavior, christ, church, forgiveness, good, paul, repent, romans, sin