Stewardship Ripple

Altar Flowers, Candles and Mass Cards

To give altar flowers in honor of a loved one for a birthday, anniversary, thanksgiving or in memory of - or for any other intention, please contact the church office. Mass Cards also are available. Contact us at (516) 692-5268 or email us at  .


There are many ways that you can help support the church with your gifts, particularly your time and talent. We also hope that you can give generously to support the financial needs of the church. Please read more below about how you can return to God a portion of the abundance you have received.

Annual Giving

All Christians are called to contribute a portion of their time, talent, and treasure toward the work of God’s church. Two ways to support the life of the parish are to become involved with one of our ministries and to make an annual financial pledge. Pledging is crucial in enabling St. Margaret’s to plan our ministries and provide a stable financial base for the support of our programs. Pledging reflects our prayerful response to God’s call to be good stewards of our material possessions – we acknowledge that all that we are and all that we have are gifts from God.

Each fall during our Annual Giving Campaign, members are asked to make a pledge. Those joining the congregation during the year can pledge at any time by filling out a pledge card and placing it in the offering plate or by mailing it to the parish office. Pledge cards are available on the Welcome Table. A pledge can be paid weekly, monthly, or annually. The size of a pledge is less important than the willingness to commit a definite amount annually toward the support of God’s work through God’s church.

Planned Giving

For 60+ years, St. Margaret’s has served central Long Island and conducted outreach activities around the world. During that time, many individuals have expressed their gratitude to the Church and to God by remembering St. Margaret’s in their wills and long-term financial planning. These bequests or deferred gifts have played an important role in the life and work of this parish.

There are many ways to make a bequest or deferred gift to St. Margaret’s. Some suggestions are listed below. Because St. Margaret’s cannot render legal or tax advice, please consult your attorney or financial advisor for further assistance. For more information on different types of planned gifts, visit

Percentage/Residuary Bequest: You may leave all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after you have made any specific bequests, and after taxes and expenses have been paid. A provision in your will might read:

“I bequeath all (or ___ percent) of my residuary estate to the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of the Episcopal Church of St. Margaret, 1000 Washington Avenue, Plainview, New York.”

This approach does have several advantages over a specific dollar amount: It protects your loved ones in the event that the final value of your estate is less than you had anticipated. If you live a number of years, this type of bequest adjusts for inflation and maintains the relative size of the bequest you intend to make to St. Margaret’s.

Bequest of Cash or Property: You can make a simple bequest of cash or real property or shares of stock in you will. A sample provision might read: • “I bequeath to the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of Episcopal Church of St. Margaret, 1000 Washington Avenue, Plainview, New York, the sum of $ ____ (and/or) the following property, to be used for its general purposes.”

Contingent Bequest: You might want to include St. Margaret’s as a beneficiary in the event that your named beneficiaries (such as a spouse or loved one) predecease you. A provision in your will might read: • “I bequeath to my sister, Jane Doe, the sum of $____, and in the event that she shall predecease me, I direct this sum to be paid to the Rector, Wardens and Vestry of the Episcopal Church of St. Margaret, 1000 Washington Avenue, Plainview, New York.”

Completion of Pledge as a Bequest: Many members of the Parish have made a pledge to St. Margaret’s in an annual giving campaign or a major capital campaign. Because these are legally non-binding, you may wish to add a provision to your will, directing the Executor to fulfill any remainder of your pledges. For example:

“I direct my executor to pay, as a debt of my estate, to the Rector, Wardens and Rector, Wardens and Vestry of the Episcopal Church of St. Margaret, 1000 Washington Avenue, Plainview, New York,” any balance which is due or will become due under the terms of any pledge or pledges made by me to St. Margaret’s Church during my lifetime.”

Other Types of Gifts

Life Insurance: You can name St. Margaret’s as the beneficiary, or contingent beneficiary, in whole or in part of a life insurance policy.

Retirement Plans: Most tax-deferred retirement plans, such as a 401(k) or an IRA, permit you to name an organization such as St. Margaret’s as the beneficiary on all or part of the total amount, or as a secondary beneficiary in the event that your primary beneficiaries predecease you.

Life Estate Gifts: Property such as a home can be transferred to St. Margaret’s in such a way that the donor retains the right to use the property or to the income for life.

Life Income Gifts (Charitable Annuities or Remainder Trusts): Gifts can be made that will provide income to the donor for life, followed by a gift to St. Margaret’s. The Episcopal Church Foundation can help you to set up one of these gifts on a confidential basis. Call 1-800-687-3858 or email .