Justice * Compassion * Action
St. Margaret's is a community of faith actively involved in seeking, serving and sharing Christ's love in the world, with dignity for all.
Souper Bowl Sunday and St. Ignatius Human Services
There’s more to the Super Bowl than football! Each fall, as players get ready for the big day, St. Margaret’s collects cans of soup, non-perishables, and financial donations as part of The Souper Bowl of Caring, an organization that works to fight hunger and poverty. www.souperbowl.org. In addition to designating this annual food collection to St. Ignatius Human Services' food pantry in Hicksville, we collect food on a weekly basis for their guests. https://www.stignatiushicksville.org/human-services.html
St. Margaret’s is a community of faith actively involved in seeking, serving, and sharing Christ’s love in all persons, with dignity for all.
Learning More About Hunger

Hunger Banquet
In the near future, we hope to join our local Interfaith Community in hosting a "Hunger Banquet" to raise awareness of ongoing hunger issues all over the world. Our previous Hunger Banquet raised 100 lbs. of non-perishable food for a local food bank and more than $1,000 for The Heifer Project, which promotes sustainable farming in areas with food insecurity. Our gift was enough to provide two cows and one goat for those in need overseas. Our interfaith group knows that no matter what country we're from, or what faith we practice, sharing and/or providing food for those who hunger and thirst is one of the most basic ways to share our love and compassion (caritas) with others.
HAITI - After-School Project Develops Into Cazale Community & Cultural Center
St. Margaret's is committed to outreach near and far. In 2017, a parishioner felt called to start an after-school program for children of St. Andre's Episcopal Church in Cazale, Haiti. Soledad and her family donated part of their home for the center, and St. Margaret's Episcopal Church collected supplies for kids ages 6-14. Additional donations from the parish were used to help install solar power and indoor plumbing. The Cazale Community Center opened in September, 2017, and has grown tremendously in the past six years. It now includes a summer camp, additional buildings, and a wide range of enrichment and mentoring programs. Each year, children and youth benefit from new opportunities to learn and grow. This ministry, which began with the vision of one parishioner, continues to be a blessing for all.
In 2017, St. Margaret's Church welcomed Nanyemba, a graduate student from Zambia, to our congregation. She had a dream of starting a library back home, and we jumped in with a book drive. Now Nanyemba and her husband Gomez are back in Africa, working hands-on with children and youth in school settings where they can receive sponsored education, tutoring, housing, food and support. St. Margaret's is sponsoring the needs of six children - making a positive difference in their lives, in the lives of their families and communities, and in the world. We are blessed to be able to share our blessings with our friends overseas.