This week we continue a series of guest blog posts by parishioners at the Episcopal Church of St. Margaret in Plainview, N.Y. Bloggers are reflecting on what stewardship means to them, and how God the Giver has been a part of their lives. Our guest post this week is from parishioner Mike...
I must admit, the Pope’s visit to the United States last week was awesome. Though I have been happy for the Roman Catholic Church since Pope Francis was elected, last week I realized his witness is good for all Christians. Too often people professing to be Christian make Christians look...
This past year, St. Margaret’s read the book Take This Bread, by Sara Miles. In it, Miles describes a food ministry that she began at her Episcopal Church in San Francisco. At St. Gregory’s, their worship is open – roles are more open, the Eucharistic Table is open, and idea...
Over the course of the last year, I have read countless articles about the state of our struggling Church. The struggle is not just an Episcopal one, but is common across most denominations. There are all sorts of theories about why it is happening and who or what is to blame. I myself have...
I was talking to a parent recently about the challenges of raising children. She reminded me of an awesome interview by Louis C.K. with Conan O’Brien. The interview itself is funny and, as fair warning, quite crass (do not watch it with impressionable ears nearby – the...