Keeping Christ in Christmas …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

I live in an area of our country that has a lot of “Keep Christ in Christmas,” signs. I think people post these signs for all sorts of reasons: for fear that Christmas has become too secular and lost its focus on the birth of the Christ Child; out of resistance to Christmas becoming...

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Tags: christ, christmas, church, encourage, guilt, jesus, uplifting, witness, maraboli, message, feed, clothe, forgive, welcome, care

An Advent Rollercoaster …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

This Advent has been a both-and experience for me this year. There have been some incredibly joyful moments: watching my daughter’s excitement about picking a Christmas tree, reading devotionals from our Advent calendar and enjoying my daughter’s insightful comments, and...

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Tags: advent, blue christmas, christmas, church, gaudete sunday, grief, joy

In the midst of life …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

Maybe it is because today is my birthday or maybe it is because we just lost a dear family member to cancer, but life and death have been on my mind a lot lately. The funny thing about being a priest is that those two things are almost always held in tension. In the course of one week, I can...

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Tags: birthday, blessing, church, death, diocese, god, joy, life, cycle, suffering

Finding our way through priorities …

Posted by Kim Irvine on

This year, St. Margaret’s has been Walking the Way through our Stewardship Season, praying on what giving means to us, why we give, and how our giving shapes our relationship with God and our church. Below is a guest post from parishioner Kimberly Irvine on why she is pledging...

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Tags: generous, blessed, church, fair share, gift, materialism, pledge, resources, stewardship, walking the way

Redefining home …

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

This past Sunday we rededicated our Undercroft. The Undercroft has been under construction since November 2013, and includes two Sunday School rooms, our Parish Hall, two bathrooms, and the kitchen. All rooms were completely renovated with the exception of the kitchen, which only received new...

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Tags: church, comfort, undercroft, community, home, renovation, world, ministry

Love and marriage ...

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

This week my husband and I celebrated 13 years of marriage. A few friends asked me what romantic plans we had, and I found I had to do some explaining. You see, twelve years ago, on our first wedding anniversary, we found ourselves at an impromptu family reunion. At the time, we reasoned...

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Tags: anniversary, church, community, god, love, marriage, sacred, secular, vows

Both / And

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

I was fine until my older daughter’s teacher saw me without the baby, realized I had dropped her off at nursery school, and then asked if I was okay. I really was fine. But as soon as I tried to tell her how fine I was, my eyes moistened. I kept my response short for fear that my eyes...

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Tags: parenting, vocation, priest, maternity, sad, joy, church, challenge

On Touch ...

Posted by The Rev. Jennifer Andrews-Weckerly on

Being pregnant is a pretty incredible experience. I have been so grateful to experience the phenomenon one more time with our second child, and continue to be amazed by the miracle of pregnancy. Of course, being pregnant comes with a certain set of consequences too. The funniest for me has been...

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Tags: church, god, intimacy, pregnancy, sacred, touch, belly, hand, guarded, safe, pat, delivery, lonely, self-conscious, fumbling, caution, balance, sacred
