Christmas 2022

Birthing Jesus - Birthing Hope


In the beginning there was God the Creator, the Word, and the Spirit. This Holy Trinity generated the seeds of life throughout creation. And they called it good, very good.

And they saw that much of humankind had forgotten their true being as a reflection of God’s love. They heard the cries of the wounded, the hungry, the despairing, and they said,
“It’s time.”

The Creator said, I will create voices to proclaim, pathways to be made clear,
and hearts to open.

The Word said, I will embody my being into the language of humankind,
and show them the way.

The Spirit said, I will breathe my comfort, wisdom, and hope into all who are
willing to hear us, receive us, say yes to us.

Thus God became human, born in a barn to a young unmarried woman, and was placed in the manger - a feeding trough. This was God saying, “Look: I come into messy places, in unexpected ways, and here is where I incarnate my being to feed creation the hope of Divine Love.”

And God did it through ordinary people, proving God’s love for humanity and God’s dependence on humanity to bring the fullness of God’s love into being.

Mary’s role was to let go of doubt and fear to say yes to birthing the hope of the world in Jesus. “Before Jesus fed us with the bread and wine, his own body, Jesus himself needed to be fed, by a woman. He needed a woman to say: ‘This is my body, given for you.’ (Rachel Held Evans).

Joseph’s role was to let go of doubt and fear and say yes to his call to serve and protect this precious new life.

The Shepherd’s role was let go of doubt and fear and say yes to proclaiming the Good News for all to hear.

Where do we fit into the Christmas Story?

God needs us to say yes, to let go of doubt and fear, and find our own way of birthing, protecting, or proclaiming the Good News of God’s great love for all creation.

And the Angel’s sing: Joy to the World! 

And the Trinity says: Yes! It’s time! Amen!