At the Crossroads

Live without fear: your Creator has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Go in peace to follow the good road and may God’s blessing be with you always.

Jesus told the disciples that the day would come when the Holy Spirit would be given and spread to all believers. He told them to wait and see – and so they did, struggling with uncertainty, perhaps fear and doubt, as well as faith and hope. While they waited, they prayed, studied scripture, and broke bread together, just like our Baptismal Vow says for us to do. If we could go back in time and listen in on their conversations, we would probably hear them remembering the past and anticipating the future with mixed feelings. “Does this sound familiar?  

My sisters and brothers, you are now in much the same position as the disciples after Jesus’ Ascension - the liminal space between “now” and “not yet” is an uneasy place to be. The stress lessens as you gather, pray, ponder scripture, and break bread, remembering the past and anticipating the future. The Holy Spirit given in baptism makes sure you have everything you need to discover and follow God’s will for St. Margaret’s Church.

This is hard work, even when God is with us. One of my favorite reflections on this process comes from Chief Black Elk, survivor of Custer’s Last Stand/Battle of Little Big Horn. He wrote, “The good road and the road of difficulty you have made to cross, and where they cross, that place is holy.” You are at a holy crossroads, as am I. We are not alone. We have the Advocate and Comforter, the Holy Spirit with us, guiding us, comforting us. We have everything we need; we simply need to trust God and be in the process.  

As we act in faith, we can be confident that waiting on God and responding with love bears good fruit. This is how the Church has always grown and thrived regardless of the pressures of the world.   

God is calling us to different directions, and this is both sad and joyful. I am filled with gratitude for my time with you, and I carry you in my heart. Thank you for a glorious Interim time together. We are ready for the changes that are coming.  

For the last time with you I share my favorite Benediction from St. Clare:

Live without fear: your Creator has made you holy, has always protected you, and loves you as a mother. Go in peace to follow the good road and may God’s blessing be with you always. 
