Sunday, October 14, 2018, 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

Your child is welcome at any time. No prior enrollment necessary. All are welcome.

This year we’ll be changing the Sunday School curriculum to a lectionary-based program. This means that the kids will dive into the Gospel reading for that particular day. When the kids attend the 10 a.m. service afterwards, their familiarity with the Gospel reading will make the service and sermon more meaningful.This is one way to begin engaging our children in the service itself. 

2018 Fall Sunday school dates are:

9/30/18: Share God's Love - Mark 9:38-50

10/14/18: A Rich Man's Questions - Mark 10:17-31

10/21/18: James and John - Mark 10:35-45

10/28/18: Bartimaeus Sees - Mark 10:46-52

11/11/18: The Widow's Offering - Mark 12:38-44

11/18/18: Be Ready - Mark 13:1-8

12/16/18: John the Baptist - Luke 3:1-18

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