Worship Customs

What to Do or Not to Do is Up to You

The more “High Church a/k/a Anglo-Catholic the church, the more these customs matter. Long Island is a fairly “High Church” place.


  • Some bow when the cross passes, or when they walk to or in front of the cross, or at the Name of Jesus or his Incarnation (as in the Creed) as a sign of reverence.


  • Some make the sign of the cross as a sign of unity with the Crucified One; this is often seen at the Opening Acclamation, at Confession, in prayers and at other times.


  • Some face East (where altars often were placed in churches, including St. Margaret’s) for the Creeds. This has been done since the early church because Christian symbolism associates the East, the compass-point from which the sun rises, with life, hope and birth.