Keeping You Up-to-Date on Vestry Business ...


Fr. Fred Miller’s “Supply-Plus” agreement: two services each Sunday plus two days during the week (may include pastoral visits and counseling), and extra services including Cemetery Memorial Services, weddings and funerals. 2017 Pledges: We received 27 pledges for a total of $71k, significantly less than 2016 totals. We are hoping for additional pledges to still come in. Diocesan Convention: Fr. Fred, Kim Irvine and Grace Kontje (alternate) will attend. Cemetery: Edith Alfieri will retire on Dec. 31 as a Cemetery Administrator. Kathy Misiak has been hired. After training on Wednesdays-Fridays, her regular days will be Mon.-Wed. Building & Grounds: We still have no chairperson. Kim volunteered to organize a meeting of B&G members. Rectory: Sunset Refrigeration is checking on winterizing the rectory. Some other suggestions were made. Bequest: We received a bequest from the Estate of Dorothy Musto, who is buried in our cemetery. Annual Meeting: Kim will organize the Committee Reports. Loretta will organize brunch. Diocesan Pledge: We’ll give $10,670 for 2017 (an increase of 10%) plus a one-time good faith gift of $1,000 for 2016. Activities Committee: We discussed an Epiphany Party on Jan. 7 and re-starting monthly activities, with rotating planners.



Canon Betit offered several names for supply priests. We reviewed the 2016 Fall Fair. Barbara Archer will consider co-chairing again. Mike Hadden resigned from the Vestry. Jane Ames, Barbara Archer and Fal Gibson agreed to run for three-year terms. Kim Irvine agreed to run for a two-year term as Warden. We discussed reducing the number of Vestry seats from 11 to 9 in the future. We’ll get a new estimate for snowplowing. Pledge ingathering will be Nov. 6. We discussed an Epiphany Party on Sat., Jan. 7. Edith will retire as Cemetery Administrator this year; a search for a new person is in progress. The 2017 budget was presented and discussed. Pledges are our biggest concern (we had 43 in 2016). Flower money donations for All Saints/All Souls Day will go to Episcopal Relief & Development for Haiti.