Expanding the circle of thanks through your gift to UTO

November is a month full of thanksgivings. You may remember a “little blue box” that we as children dropped coins in each time we were thankful (which I hope was often!). Even without that little blue box, we are called to share our blessings as adults. Each year, The Episcopal Church collects offerings used to fund grants for missionaries and congregations here and abroad. Each parish’s offering will be presented to the Bishop by one of our parish delegates just before the Eucharist at the Diocesan Convention this month. You can use the special envelopes in the Narthex, or just put your offering in a regular envelope and write UTO on it. Please make your checks payable to St. Margaret’s Church with UTO in the memo area. To be included in the Convention offering, checks should be received by Sunday, Nov. 5.  If you have any questions, please contact me.

As our interim UTO diocesan coordinator Rosalyn Brown said, “May God continue to bless you as you expand the circle of thankful people through your prayers of thanksgiving” and offerings.

~ Jane Ames