Join us for book study: "The Kingdom Within" Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.

St. Margaret’s Book & Bible Study group is growing, and the conversations have been inspiring and thought-provoking. We are reading John Sanford’s "The Kingdom Within: The Inner Meaning of Jesus’ Sayings." As an Episcopal priest and Jungian analyst, Sanford brings fresh perspective to the parables of Jesus and speaks provocatively about our life’s journey to strip away the layers of our false selves to be reborn as the one we are truly meant to be. 

As a Jungian psychologist and spiritual psychotherapist, I share our author’s passion for dreams as essential spiritual letters from the unconscious. This thinking is richly presented in our reading and conversation, and our group has learned much from one other as we share experiences and talk about the deeper meaning of our religious practices: royal roads to the living Kingdom alive within and among us. 

Won’t you consider joining us? We meet every Thursday from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. following the 9 a.m. Eucharist. If you are interested, please speak with me or Barbara Festa and we can arrange to get you a book. 

Hope you will join us and add your unique life’s story and richness to our gathering of friends and spiritual companions. 

~ Br. Anton Armbruster, TSSF