Welcome to the January 2018 edition of The Message


The Episcopal Church of St. Margaret
1000 Washington Avenue
Plainview, NY 11803
Tel: 516-692-5268 x 103    Fax: 516-692-7128
Cemetery Office: 516-692-5267
Email Church:
Email Cemetery:

Fr. ISAIAS GINSON, Priest-in-Charge

(516) 692-5268 ext. 102




ISANG Mapagpalaya at Manigong Bagong Taon sa ating lahat

“A liberating and prosperous New Year to all!”

For Filipinos living outside the Philippines, celebrating the New Year is something to look forward to. The first day of the year represents a new beginning — a turning of the page, so to speak. So, it’s not surprising that most of us pray for a liberating and prosperous New Year.

New Year is the traditional time to begin some changes in our lives, and put into action our newly made New Year’s resolutions. Some even make a bucket list to serve as a guide for our future plans.

New Year is also a perfect time for Filipino families around the globe to reunite and enjoy whatever food and drinks are set out. Demonstrating filial piety by showing respect to our elders is also especially important.

Godparents make a special effort to connect with their godchildren at New Year, and friends (“barkadas” in Filipino) renew the bonds of brotherhood, which is the essence of Filipino friendship. New Year is also a time for forgiveness and unity.

It’s also a good time to review the past. We’ve done some interesting things together since May 2017, when I became priest-in-charge at St. Margaret’s. We introduced a wellness pro-gram, focusing on Tai chi; reinstated a faithful Thursday morning Eucharist; strengthened the bonds of fellowship within the parish; got out of the building and into the community; and we made a more consistent effort to visit parishion-ers who can’t make it to services. All of this would not have been possible without you.

Now is a time to move toward a new direction with vigor. At the annual meeting, we elected Karen Hoenscheid to our vestry. Over the years, Karen has shown creative and innovative ways of thinking about and doing ministry. I’m looking forward to other new ministries that will open up as we continue to “step out” of the building and meet God’s people in our midst.

Together, let us enjoy a blessed and grace-filled New Year — for this is a start of something new!


Father Isaias


A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who contributed to the St. Margaret’s 2017 Holiday Outreach Drive. We collected nearly $4,500, which enabled us to buy some toys, clothing and gift cards for food, gas and local retailers like Walmart and Target for 10 struggling families in the Plainview/Old Bethpage school district. The staff at the high school was overwhelmed by the generosity of our parishioners – not only during the holidays but at other times of the year, as well. Their newly hired social worker commented that being part of this effort was truly a highlight of her new job and that she looks forward to a lasting partnership with St. Margaret’s Church!


Looking for a great way to keep your New Year’s resolution to volunteer more time helping those in need? Well, you’re in luck! The first PB&J gathering is Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. at Plainview Reformed Church on Old Bethpage Road in Plainview. We need each and every one of you who wants to make a difference in someone’s life to come out and support this wonderful outreach. Everyone from our smallest kids (who love collecting the sandwiches and decorating the wrapped food with happy-themed stickers) to our wonderful and vibrant elders and everyone in-between is invited to participate. 

~ The St. Margaret’s Outreach Committee


Jan.  6 – 3 pm Epiphany Pageant Rehearsal
Jan.  7 –  Epiphany Pageant
Jan.  9 – 7:30 pm Vestry Meeting
Jan. 17 – 1 pm Lunch Bunch
Jan. 17 – 7 pm PB&J Outreach
Jan. 17 – 7:15 pm Finance Committee 


  • Sunday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Monday: Day off
  • Tuesday: Noon – 4 p.m.
  • * Wednesday: Noon – 4 p.m. (Jan. 1-23 only)
  • Thursday: 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • * Friday: Noon – 4 p.m. (Jan. 1-23 only)
  • Saturday: Visiting homes, hospitals, etc.

* Starting Jan. 24, Fr. Isaias resumes his Wednesday and Friday part-time chaplaincy at Stony Brook University.

Fr. Isaias can be reached at (516) 692.5268 x 102. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment.


Preparing for Christmas worship at St. Margaret’s is always a very busy time for our Altar Guild members, especially on the Sunday before Christmas when we have the traditional “Greening of the Church.” This year, many of our parish family were scampering around like busy elves, working together to beautify our church in preparation for the celebration of the birth of our Savior. So much to do and it was completed in less than two hours! A huge thank you, filled with love to all who joined together in this special pre-Christmas gift to our amazing and wonder-ful St. Margaret’s Church. 

Another thank you to all who gave donations for Christmas Flowers. The Sanctuary looked festive and beautiful. 

Wishing a blessed and happy and healthy New Year to all.

 ~ Jane A.



As we start a new year, I wanted to tell all of you how sincerely grateful I am to be part of such a marvelous family as St. Margaret’s! I’ve been an active member of this congregation for almost 30 years – with six years as a Vestry member followed by another six years as a Warden. Our church has gone through some challenging times over the years, but I believe the many wonderful things we have achieved together as a parish family have far outweighed those challenges. During my time as a Warden, the thing closest to my heart was encouraging enthusiasm for activities we could do together – not only for fun and fellowship but also to serve those in need. We may be a small church but we have a huge heart and I am so proud of all the outreach projects we have done over these past years. Your continued generosity and compassion have known no limits.

I also want to thank all of you for the love and support you have given me as Warden by volunteering and getting involved. We need to continue to be involved with our church – now more than ever – especially in a world that appears to be getting less sacred and more secular. We need to attend weekly services together, we need to actively join in at parish-sponsored events and com-mittees, we need to faithfully support our Warden and members of the Vestry and – most of all – we need to be kind and loving toward one another. Going forward, this is what will keep St. Margaret’s moving in the right direction.

Finally, I want to thank you for the recent honor of receiving the Bishop’s Cross. I am still humbled and awed by this presentation and I will always cherish it. I look forward to continuing the work and mission of our beloved church together with you. God bless you all!

 ~ Dan McG.


Simply stated, it was a grand and festive evening as Fr. Isaias and Christie hosted St. Margaret’s Annual Christmas Party at the rectory. Dan, Kim and Fal did some amazing pre-party decorating, helping Isaias and the newly-arrived Christie settle in and enjoy their first Christmas in their new home.

The party started immediately as 40 or so parishioners arrived pretty much at the same time … just around 7 p.m. Everyone brought “their own specialty” which made for an amazing spread of delicious hors d’oeuvres, desserts and ample beverages. And … we enjoyed and really got into a nearly full-hour sing-a-long as Dan, Tom D. and Fr. Isaias, with their guitars, led us in song. 

It was a wonderful evening, and throughout the night so many remarked about the “good feeling” they had being with everyone – in fact, most stayed until nearly 11 p.m.!

And so our blessings continue as we shared the magic of the night, having Fr. Isaias and Christie part of our loving church family.

May God bless everyone as we live faithfully into 2018 … the Ginsons – everyone who was at the party -– and all others not able to be there. Happy, Healthy New Year!

 ~ Loretta S.


Our always-anticipated annual Epiphany Pageant will be on Sunday, Jan. 7. Please join us for pageant practice at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 6. We have plenty of parts and costumes for all the kids (and sometimes even the adults)!

Our children’s winter outreach project is the Souper Bowl, where we collect money and food for the hungry in our area. Please be generous, as always!


1/6 – (Saturday) – Pageant Practice 3 p.m.
1/7 – Epiphany Pageant 10 a.m. Service
1/21 – Sunday School
1/28 – Souper Bowl Prep (making posters)
2/4 – SOUPER BOWL (collection at both services)
2/11 – Sunday School 

No Sunday School Classes:

Jan. 14 holiday weekend); Feb. 18, Feb. 25

Please have your children join the class for any dates you can make. Because we review the same story for a few weeks, kids can join in at any time.

If you’re interested in the Sunday School Program and would like a letter with more details and our full schedule, please contact me. We can also send our letter to friends, neighbors and family members who may not be already connected to St. Margaret’s.

Looking forward to having everyone in class!

 ~ Christine K., Sunday School Coordinator

Program Overview – Our Bible Story class will study five different stories during the year. Each story will be explored for several weeks using the Sparkouse Rotation curriculum. In every class session, the child-ren will open an age-appropriate Bible and explore the story using various methods that accommodate the many ways that children learn including art, Bible skills and games, computer lab, cooking, creative drama, music, science and/or video. Each series will be taught by a different member of our congregation and may be facilitated by other volunteers from the congregation that we call shepherds. 

Blue Ice

January was named for the Roman god, Janus, keeper of the doorways. In Czech, January is called “leden,” meaning the “Ice Month.” Janus is portrayed as having two faces – one looking right (toward tomorrow) and the other left (yesterday). In opening up to possibilities, we must submit to a thawing of our well-set ways of thinking and expectations. This is our big dilemma as we face tomorrow – we want things to change but also stay the same. Our memories, individual and collective, shape and color what we do see and don’t see.

Years ago, I spent time in Anchorage, Alaska. My colleague John and I decided to spend our last Saturday there driving to the Portage Glacier. We arrived to find the Visitors Center closed; we were alone. Foolishly dressed in business clothes in sub-zero weather, we left the engine running and took quick turns leaving the car to snap a few shots. The air was bone-chilling and almost unbreathable. The turquoise-white glacier, a frozen monument to ancient history, was awe-inspiring and a bit frightening. I felt both the grandeur of timeless Being and mortality.

I recall it all vividly: the cold, the blue ice, an indifferent moose running against the white background along the road, the fearsome silence and the emotional rush in recognizing the risk we had taken to see this wonder. Would I do this today? Probably not. I also have no regret as the memory is a sacred gift. God’s creative majesty came alive in ways that I would have missed on a summer visit packed with other tourists.

That day in Alaska, we were touched by God, our usually cautious souls briefly cut loose. In that frozen clime, the sleeping glacier awoke and became our gateway to discovery. This memory moves me to keep special vigil this month for the signs of His Presence in places that require my more boldly stepping out.

I think of the three wise men who traveled long and far on camels to see the King born in lowly circumstances who would forever change our relationship with God, Our Father. They embraced the risks of travel in pursuit of something auspicious that they spied in the stars, portents of deep goodness, peace and Love beyond all understanding. Francis and Clare were blessed with ears to hear and eyes to see what is easily overlooked, or postponed. They took a look at the deep inside of all God’s creatures. They found there, in every case, the face of God.

I wish you and yours true epiphany as you move through the gateway that leads to springtime.

~ Brother Anton Armbruster, TSSF



On Dec. 3, 2017, St. Margaret’s held its annual Parish Meeting. Thank you to all who attended.

Fr. Isaias Ginson initiated the meeting with a Parish Address that set the tone for what our parish can work toward in the coming year. Fr. Isaias spoke to us about growing not only in numbers, but also in community with one another, and in our spirituality. It is essential that “we continue to love each other, hold fast to one another, and support each other when we encounter times of challenge as individuals or as a nation or world.” Fr. Isaias is also eager to see how we can strengthen the various ministries that exist at St. Margaret’s, and looks forward to meeting with committees and encouraging them in their work.

The spiritual growth of St. Margaret’s is also a top priority for 2018. By deepening our love for God and neighbor, we can bring new life to St. Margaret’s. Fr. Isaias suggested we spend more intentional time with God through spiritual practices like prayer, meditation, and retreats.

Other items discussed at the annual meeting included:

  • We approved the 2018 budget. Total expenses for 2018 are projected at $180k, and income is anticipated to be $156k, leaving a deficit of approximately $24k. The budget does include the expenses related to a full-time priest-in-charge effective May 2018.
  • Vestry: Going forward, instead of 11 vestry members, the committee will consist of nine members, which seems appropriate for the current size of St. Margaret’s. Due to this change in committee structure, only one vestry slot needed to be filled for 2018. Karen Hoenscheid was nominated and elected to begin serving as a Vestry Member starting January 2018.

This also seems like a good time to mention that it takes all of us at St. Margaret’s to achieve the goals set out above, and the many other initiatives and activities we strive to accomplish in 2018. We really do need your support. If you do not currently participate on a committee or ministry maybe 2018 is the year to share your gifts and talents in a new way at St. Margaret’s. Active committees include: Finance; Stewardship; Buildings and Grounds; Garden; Christian Education; Cemetery; Outreach; Fall Fair; and Worship. Maybe you would like to serve in one of the ministries such as Altar Guild, Choir, Acolyte, Eucharistic minister, or Intercessory Prayer Group? Or participate in Bible study, assist with The Message or other media and advertising initiatives, or volunteer with administrative work in the church office? There are many ways to serve the Lord — which will you choose in 2018? 

I feel the excitement of a New Year beginning and all the possibilities that lie ahead. For me, knowing that I am working together with a loving and faithful parish to serve our community, our church, and, most importantly, our God, fills me with inspiration and gratitude. Thank you for the many ways you serve, and for your willingness to consider doing something new in 2018.

With Fr. Isaias leading and supporting us, we are in an excellent position to do great things at St. Margaret’s in 2018!

In God’s love,

Kim I., Warden


… It’s a new year and some things never change – like the continuing food collection – be sure to pick up some extra non-perishables for those less fortunate and place them in the Food Basket as you enter church.

… As we start another year anew, immediately to the right as you enter the kitchen in the Undercroft, you will find a brand-new Coffee Hour Sign-Up Sheet – please sign up to be a host, or co-host – it’s wide open!

Lunch Bunch continues on the third Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Undercroft – no strings attached, simply show up with your own “brown bag” lunch to chew ’n chat with fellow brown baggers. J 

… The new Altar Guild Flower & Candle Chart is posted in the Narthex. You can request flowers and/or candles “In Loving Memory of” or “In Thanksgiving For” dear ones. Note that envelopes for flower and candle donations are on the cabinet in the Narthex and can be placed in the collection plate or handed in at the parish office. 


HEAVENLY FATHER, your unconditional love for us is our assurance we are not alone. As we begin a fresh new year and receive daily guidance through Your Holy Spirit, we are comforted knowing that You know our every need better than we do. In thanksgiving for the birth of Jesus Our Savior, with grateful hearts we offer all we do to Your greater honor and glory. Amen.

Lord, hear our prayers for …

  • Warden, Vestry, Staff, Lay Leaders, and all Parishioners past and present;
  • Isaias and Mrs. Christie Ginson, and the Diocese of Long Island and its clergy;
  • The health and well-being of Edith, Ron, Nancy, June, Christine, Kathleen, Linda, Chet, Marshall, Jim and their medical professionals and caregivers;
  • Those whose needs are known to God alone;
  • The men and women protecting us as they serve in the military, especially James, Keith, Owen, Matt, Sean, Matthew, Scott and Shelby;
  • Those parishioners, past and present, we love and see no more who departed in 2017.
  • Our nation, for its direction and future under President Donald J. Trump, his advisers and cabinet;
  • World peace;
  • Your own special intentions.

Pray in thanksgiving for God’s gift of daily grace: Make sure to use your full portion up each day. Tomorrow is another day and you will receive a fresh new dose!

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving,
let your requests be made known to God.”

  ~Loretta S., IPG Coordinator



Christmas – Plans for church services, greening of the church, and the Christmas Party were reviewed. Extra help will be needed. 

Outreach – Dan McGee reports that once again parishioners have been very generous, donating about $4,000 that will be used to purchase mainly gift cards for 12 families in need.

Church & Cemetery Signs – The main sign at the driveway entrance split in half and must be replaced. The Cemetery committee also wants an additional sign, so a package price was quoted for both signs. The church sign will probably be replaced in early 2018.

Ministry Covenant – Discussion about firming up Fr. Isaias’ position has been continuing, and includes reviewing the current budget. It is clear that Fr. Isaias wants to remain here, and also clear that we want him to stay on. Firming up the agreement is a priority at this time as right now there is a month-to-month contract. The Diocese said a part-time ministry covenant in fact could easily be changed to address having a full-time priest-in-charge arrangement.

Outgoing Vestry – On behalf of the entire Vestry, Warden Kim I. thanked both Warden Dan McG. and Phil R., whose terms have expired, for their many years of dedicated and invaluable service.

2018 Vestry Members – Kim Irvine, Warden; Jane Ames, Barbara Archer, Anton Armbruster, Maureen Dilworth, Fal Gibson, Karen Hoenscheid, Terry Padyk, Loretta Sawicki (Clerk of the Vestry).

  ~ Loretta Sawicki, Clerk of the Vestry 

JANUARY 2018 ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP - 8 a.m. / 10 a.m.


ACOLYTE              Chet B. / June, Janet L.
CHALICISTS          Lois / Jane, Fal
INTERCESSOR      Maureen / Judy
LECTOR                Lois / Tom D’A.
USHERS                tba / Barbara F., Barbara H. 




ACOLYTE              Chet B. / June, Barbara H.
CHALICISTS         Barbara A. / Jane, Barbara H.
INTERCESSOR      Maureen / Jacquie
LECTOR               Lois / Dan
USHERS               Barbara A. / Ken, Richard




ACOLYTE              Kathleen / June, Gavin
CHALICISTS          Lois / Barbara F., Fal
INTERCESSOR      Barbara A. / Kim
LECTOR                Bill Hills                                                
USHERS                Barbara A. /Christie, Barbara H.,  




ACOLYTE           Kathleen / Gavin, Janet L.
CHALICISTS       Barbara A. / Fal, Barbara H.
INTERCESSOR   Maureen / Soledad
LECTOR             Lois / Janet S.                                        "
USHERS             Lois / Barbara F., Ken



Jan.   7 -  Barbara A. and Barbara H.
Jan. 14 -  Jane and Mary
Jan. 21 -  Lois
Jan. 28 -  Fal and Loretta


St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church
1000 Washington Ave., Plainview, NY 11803

Sunday Services at 8 a.m. / 10 a.m.
Thursdays: Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m
Thursdays: Bible Study 10 a.m.
Thursdays: Choir Rehearsal 8:15 p.m.

Sunday School Dates: Jan. 21 and Jan. 28

Jan.  6 – 3 p.m. Epiphany Pageant Rehearsal
Jan.  7 – 10 a.m. Epiphany Pageant
Jan.  9 – 7:30 p.m. Vestry Meeting
Jan. 17 – 1 p.m. Lunch Bunch
Jan. 17 – 7 p.m. – PB&J Outreach
Jan. 17 – 7:15 pm Finance Committee