Anti-Semitic graffiti at Syosset High School and recent events in Charlottesville, Va., brought over 500 con-cerned people to the Mid-Island YJCC for a “Break the Hate” rally on Aug. 27.

“Someone took the lid off the sewer and let these people out. We are here to say, Put The Lid Back On!” said Rabbi Jonathan Hecht of Temple Chaverim.

A politician, a priest and a Pakistani-American delivered powerful messages about their hope that by working together, we can heal our divided nation. Congressman Tom Suozzi said he feels a sense of affinity when speaking at a Sons of Italy lodge, but all people, regardless of race, religion or ethnicity, want the same things. Anyone at Eisenhower Park can readily see people of many cultures helping elderly relatives to their seats and beaming with pride as they watch their children and grandchildren perform at events.

Fr. Valentine (Pastor at St. Pius), who was born in Bombay, related an ugly incident. He once stopped at an Irish pub for lunch here on Long Island, and not only was he denied service, he was called a terrorist and threatened with death. Despite this display of hate, Fr. Valentine hopes that goodness will triumph over evil.

A member of PACOLI (Pakistani-American Com-munity of Long Island) spoke of similarities between Muslims and Jews. In a lighter moment, he said that in addition to similar dietary laws (Kosher/Halal), both groups want their children to become doctors or lawyers ... or at least marry one!

St. Margaret’s was among the 25 organizations that supported this rally to keep our community strong and united.

~ Karen Hoenscheid