Vestry update on communications and Building Grounds

This month we continue our monthly reflection from the Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) we conducted this spring. One piece of feedback from our MMR was a concern about transparency in communication from the leadership of the parish. In light of that feedback, we will begin to work on several areas this fall to help everyone feel as though they understand why decisions are made and remind parishioners that they have a voice within the church. We publish all Vestry Minutes and Treasurers’ Reports in the Narthex of the Church, and all are welcome and encouraged to read them so that you feel connected to the decisions we are making. Starting this fall, we will also begin publishing the Vestry Agenda to allow parishioners to see what issues are coming up, so that you may speak with a Vestry member if you feel that a relevant issue needs to be addressed.

The other part of helping us move toward transparency is using The Message to communicate about issues that have come under discussion. Most recently, there have been quite a few questions about the appearance of our property, the reason behind its appearance, and the timing of fixing these issues. A bit of recent history may be helpful. 

In 2014, we completed the indoor portion of our “Undercroft Project,” eradicating mold and mildew left from Hurricane Sandy, updating the space, and making it more functional for our current usage. The next phase for the fall of that year was to complete the outdoor portion of the Undercroft Project, which mostly related to drainage to prevent any future flooding and water damage. However, the septic system backed up in October, and as we researched the problem, we realized that the septic tanks had never been emptied. The reason for that was that the access covers to the septic tanks were buried, and in one case, buried under the cement ramp to the Church. We were able to uncover the septic tanks and empty them all. Upon further research and cost analysis, the Vestry, with consultation from Buildings and Grounds, decided to maintain our septic system, as opposed to undergoing the cost of hooking up to the County sewage system. Then winter hit, and we were buried in snow for quite some time. Once we finally came out of the brutal winter, we realized that our parking lot was in complete disrepair from years plowing and not adequately tending to our gravel. The Vestry asked for a quote from Buildings and Grounds to pave or re-gravel the parking lot. Once that quote was received, the Vestry (with parishioner feedback about the two options) elected to re-grade and re-gravel the lot, and to tie that work into the remaining outside phase of the Undercroft Project.

In June 2015, Buildings and Grounds presented a quote for the entire project: finishing the outdoor Undercroft Project, repairing the parking lot, and addressing some lighting issues in the parking lot. Though the quote was from a known contractor and was considered a reasonable and fair price, the price was so large that the Vestry felt uncomfortable proceeding without comparable quotes, especially given their fiduciary responsibility for the parish. Unfortunately, Buildings and Grounds did not have the time or staffing to secure additional quotes. A Vestry member volunteered to obtain additional quotes, and the Vestry will make a decision at their August meeting. As a side note, the Vestry elected not to meet in July, so the decision on a contractor will be made at the August meeting.

All of this does not address the timing issue, in particular as it relates to the Fall Fair at the end of September. However, the parish can be assured that this is a priority for us – one that may involve some flexibility on all our part if we are to ensure that the work is complete before this winter hits. Although this history is lengthy, we hope that it helps parishioners to understand that this lingering issue is not without reason.

Please remember that everyone on the Vestry is working to their best abilities with the time and talents they have to give the Church. The property does not look its best, but the Vestry is working on it and working hard. Things do not always get done in the timeframe we would like. But, we can assure you, we are working on completion of this project and long to see it completed as much as, if not more than, everyone in the parish. Your patience, prayers, and encouragement in this matter are appreciated. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to your Rector, Wardens, or any Vestryperson for information. Thank you.

~ The Vestry