Holy Currencies

Holy Currencies are Christian values in action that cultivate sustainable missional ministry

Holy Currencies

When we hear the word, “currency” we think of money, of assets that can get us what we want. Churches have more currency than money!   

Holy Currencies are Christian values in action that cultivate sustainable missional ministry. 


  1. Time and Place refers to how we use our time and our church space.
  2. Gracious Leadership is a collaborative style of interaction that makes learners of leaders and leaders of learners.
  3. Relationship refers to cultivating healthy, mutually respectful connections within the parish, the Diocese, and our neighbors.
  4. Truth is not always an either/or concept; rather it is more often a two-sided issue of perspective. 
  5. Wellness is both personal and collective. Do we know and appreciate our gifts? How do we use them for the well-being of ourselves, our relationships, our planet Earth?
  6. Money is about being good stewards of our financial blessings, with an attitude of abundance and generosity.

From Holy Currencies – 6 Blessings for Sustainable Missional Ministries by Episcopal priest Eric H. F. Law.   

This fall we will explore our parish’s Holy Currencies (October 15) and what/who we need to increase our currencies (November 5). Everyone’s voice and participation is much appreciated so we build Christian values in action that cultivate sustainable missional ministry. 

To help ensure that all conversations are safe and joyful for all, we will be following Eric Law’s RESPECT rules.