Bishop Provenzano adds new Franciscan Community to the diocese.

Pictured (l-r) Fr. Michael Delaney, Fr. Anthony Jones,
Fr. Isaias Ginson, Fr. Joseph Diele,
Jacqueline Rodriguez-Diele and Bishop Provenzano
at St. Augustine’s, Brooklyn, N.Y., on Oct. 3, 2019.
On Oct. 3, 2019, as Christians approached the feast of St. Francis, Fr. Isaias became a founding member of the Franciscan Community of Compassion. Fr. Isaias, Fr. Joseph Diele and his wife Jacqueline (both of
St. Augustines, Brooklyn), professed their vows to Bishop Provenzo:
“I vow Poverty, to live in right relationship with all creation. Everything of the earth and everything created by human hands comes from God. As we respect what we are given we work at not being owned by what we own.
I vow chastity, we seek to live in right relationships with all persons. We seek not to possess or allow ourselves to be possessed by another. We seek to respect every human person knowing that no one can own another through greed, fear, manipulation or guilt. We are to show compassion to all without exception knowing that the Spark of the Divine resides in every living being.
I vow obedience, promising to listen deeply so as to act with love and compassion towards ourselves and others. To listen as God speaks in our hearts, to listen as God speaks through the Christian Community and to listen as God speaks through this Franciscan Community of Compassion.”