Developmental Tasks of the Interim Priest

What is the purpose of having an Interim Priest?

Developmental Tasks of the Interim Period

These tasks are undertaken with the understanding that the Interim time is a period of congregational development. Using these tasks as lenses to interpreting the life of the congregation and the challenges of the Interim will help congregations into deeper self-understanding, active relationship with God in daily community life, and move into their new call.


  1. Do the tasks of preaching, teaching, pastoring and liturgy. Do them well. Introduce variants within the tradition working with laity to build understanding and enjoyment of liturgy. Create a liturgy task force or committee to join in creating liturgical experiments for the congregation, create opportunities for congregational reflection together on their experience.


  1. Congregational Assessment. Contemplate an accurate view of what’s going on, articulate congregations’ current reality in an as value-free way as possible. Conduct and share SWOT (Strength /Weaknesses /Opportunities/Threats) and SOAR (Strengths /Opportunities /Aspirations /Results) analysis. Update during Interim, noting change/growth and celebrating movement.  Attend to areas needing healing, discernment, change, attention to loss.


  1. Help congregation understand the seismic shifts in American culture, “why do we do what worked before, and now no one responds?” We live in a post-Christian world. How do we adapt and accept adventure, risk, and change? We hold the extraordinary power of God in earthen vessels: has their way of doing church become an idol? Remind church that current status is muti-determined and the only way out is through and forward. Help churches define and reconnect in fresh ways with their core values, Christian basics, Diocesan connections, community relationships. Facilitate discussion and prayer for renewed vision and hope.


  1. Make tough calls, especially in terms of personnel. Administrators, youth workers, sextons, organists, etc. who are ineffective or have retired in place. Interim is Priest in Charge and may hire/fire. Do not leave firing for the new Rector.


  1. Practice the gift of St. Barnabas, “Son of Encouragement.” Many congregations feel discouraged, have lost confidence in church role and message. They need steady, realistic encouragement and teaching.  Encourage Bible study in Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.


  1. Address functional atheism: Church business conducted as if God is not present, limiting decisions to best business practice. Reconnect/renew congregation and leadership to being in purposeful, steady contact with God. Build capacity for openness, discernment, and responsiveness to the Holy Spirit in deliberation and planning.  Encourage reading and practice of discernment using Grounded in God by Suzanne Farnham et al. Use the “Signs of the Holy Spirit” chapter as a process question: When did we feel peace, where is there energy and growth, signs of convergence, etc.  to help them see the Holy Spirit at work in their work together. Encourage Vestries to take the Spiritual Gift Inventory: Reflect with members on their spiritual gifts as you assign tasks and actio