We Offer Thanksgiving For ALL Parishioners, Past and Present

Over the decades, through the grace of God the congregation of St. Margaret’s has sustained our parish and built its ministries. So many people have given their life and labor to work for the honor and glory of a living God.

Acolytes; Altar Guild; Lay Readers and Leaders; Eucharistic Ministers; Musicians ~ Organists, Choir, Guitars, Handbells, Soloists; Ushers; Sunday School Teachers and Students and Pageants; Intercessory Prayer Group; Bible/Book Study Groups; Evangelism; Wardens and Vestrypersons; Church/ Cemetery Administrators and Staff; Lawyers; Outreach/ Mission; Buildings and Grounds and Gardens; Boutiques, Flea Markets, Fall Fairs; Coffee Hour Hosts; Visitors; Crafters/Needlepoint/Knit-Wits; Pot-Luck Cooks; Bakers; Cookbook and Event Planners ~ and all those behind the scenes: YOU (both past and present parishioners) are all part of this faithful, dedicated, tireless, generous, loving Body of Christ in Plainview. In every way, you are stewards of God’s creation.

We offer thanksgiving for our priest …

With grateful hearts, we embrace Fr. Isaias and Christie Ginson … God’s very special gifts to St. Margaret’s! As we remember them in our Thanksgiving prayers this year, we give thanks to Father, Son and Holy Spirit for abundantly blessing our parish with their loving presence.

… and thanksgiving for all blessings throughout 2017!

May the Holy Spirit be ever-present with us as we go forward from this day to greater happenings in the years ahead for the Glory of God. Amen.

~ Loretta Sawicki