St. Margaret's First Annual Hunger Banquet Raises Awareness

When we are born (for the first time) we do not choose our family, our economic status, our gender or even the country or region we grow up in. The same level of chance fell to those who attended St. Margaret’s First Hunger Banquet on March 4, organized and run by our confirmands.

Unfortunately, as in this world we live in, most people were fed meager rations of rice and water all while watching the select few dine on a delicious three-course meal. Ayla Irvine commented to me during this initial seating that it seemed so unfair, and those who entered were clearly taken off their guard after the seating was explained to them and their fate revealed. After the meal was served by Grace, Alex, Hunter and Paul, two movies were shown that began to explain the reasons for extreme hunger and poverty in this world. The Confirmands further revealed the current situation for the present economic divisions and their consumption of food and water today. (I was most struck by Hunter Hoenscheid’s comment that he wished he could give the leftovers of the expensive meal served to only a lucky few to those who went without. We as Christians all felt that way this evening and often throughout our lives.) This event then went a step further.

Karen Hoenscheid’s friend Jane Appleyard Roel, an active member of Trinity Church, East Northport, spoke about the life of the Malawi people and her on-site experience with a group that provided guidance and resources to help break the extreme poverty cycle in their country. We then learned what other steps we as the fortunate ones can take to help combat this worldwide problem and crisis. The Confirmands chose to donate all food items collected at the banquet to the St. Ignatius food pantry. It was wonderful to see Ken Rice leave church that Sunday with a car completely filled car to its brim with food generously given by our guests at this event. We also donated all money collected to the Heifer Project. This organization doesn’t just give money and support to those in need, it donates animals and precious resources to help those in extreme poverty become more self-sufficient. In all we collected a whopping $1,120, which translates to TWO COWS and ONE GOAT! Kudos to all of our con-firmands.   

~ Janet S.